Monday, December 5, 2016

Pong Thoughts: And am back!

Hello! I am back to writing and I am happy. 😃

Last Saturday (12.3), I was just sitting in the office, at my desk, and realized that something's missing - something that will make me feel alive again. This is traveling (was just out of town last Thanksgiving weekend - yay!) - I love going places and being one with nature. Mountain climbing, surfing, swimming are some of the few stuff I love. Oh, and am fond of turtles too. I am a frustrated photographer too. If I could be a PA in a travel show like Byahe Ni Drew - PWEDE! Haha! Oh well, this is the sneak peek of my crazy and payak (simple) life. I'll share my random thoughts, my getaways, my photos and kahit ano pa. 

I am livin' the life - thank you Lord for the opportunity!

YOLO! Life is too short, make the most out of it and be merry! Totoo di ba? But let's not make it shorter, sabi nga sa bundok which could be applied to anything - Safety First! 


- Pong
#pongtravels #tortoiseadventures #pongtograpiya

Follow me:
Instagram: joanepong
Twitter: joanepangilinan