Showing posts with label spurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spurs. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Pong Thoughts: When life tells you to slow down.. 💭

Hello! 😙

Just two days ago, a life changing (pardon my exaggeration, but it's my first time) incident happened when I was playing one of my favorite sports - Badminton. Badminton has been my Saturday de-stressing activity after work and I started at Smashville - Pasig last March. 

After two weeks of not playing, around 6PM or so, it was my 4th game, 2nd set (we were winning, Mark & I), I accidentally twisted my left ankle. At first, I thought, it's tolerable, but then I found myself sitting in the middle of the court while Mark continued to play for our team. It was painful and I can't even stand. I needed their help to get to the nearest bench on the sides. Immediately, Patty grabbed an ice to help reduce the swelling. Not good. Patty was able to capture pictures which made me smile though - haha. (Ayan e!) I was not able to play anymore afterwards. Was just in the sidelines watching them play. 😯

Was so excited to be back on the courts after two weeks, it was Patty's birthday, should've been a happy Saturday but my ankle had different plans. I guess it's life's way of telling me to slow down a bit. To pause and just appreciate things in a different perspective. It's not the end of the world, hello? Am just not used to being the patient and my busy and active lifestyle to be put on hold for awhile. Am supposed to be in the mountains today!! Huhu. Well, when life tells you to do so, can't do anything about it. Injury is real. Now, I understand how it feels and why some athletes even cry because of injuries especially if it happens while playing. More than the pain, I think it was sadness that I really felt. Found myself sitting in a hospital's wheelchair, being injected a pain killer via IV (sakit, dude!) and the fact that I can't do the things I love for awhile. But then again, there's a reason for everything. It is what it is. 😐

Thanks to Tibzi, Mama, Pa, my Smashville Barbies and to my family and friends who sent their well wishes. You know who you are! Love ko kayo! 💋

And thank you Lord it's nothing serious! No fracture. Yay! But an ortho consult won't hurt. 😀

#GoSpursGo - sorry, I just had to. lol

So, when you experience ankle sprain, here's what you can do:

- ice/cold compress, first 24 hours
- the sprained ankle should be elevated to lessen the swelling (higher than the heart, the better)
- hot compress after 24 hours, or when advised by your physician
- x-ray to check for fracture
- pain killers - as advised by your physician
- limit movement ie walking, running etc.
- do not put on weight on the injured/spained ankle
- because, there will be lesser activities (no work-outs, sports etc), eat healthy na lang
- have enough sleep

Always remember to speak from the 💙.
- pong 🐢

Follow me:
Instagram: joanepong

Twitter: joanepangilinan

Skin test (sakit din) + bandage

Di ko sure anong ginagawa namin dito. Haha. 

Thanks, Mark 💞

Sweeling at it's finest with Hematoma and Turmeric Stain on the side

Trying to smile in this not so wanted chair and place. Still, all good! 👆

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Pong Thoughts: Random - The Second. The Last. The Latter. ☁

Hello! 😍

Good morning from Manila, everyone! I have been to two trips recently and I have not shared these amazing spots yet (Antipolo, Rizal and Puerto Galera). Been busy with work and I have been spending quality time with a friend who is in vacation for the whole month. I have skipped badminton two weeks in a row now (I miss my Smashville Barbies - huhu), no jogging (but I swim 🏊 ) and I have been pigging out - shame. 🐷

I just feel writing at this very moment - just random morning thoughts after 2 meetings since 4:30AM. Work has been pretty tough lately but today is just so-so. I guess it's just too little time, so much to do. (Thanks, Arkarna) Haha. Feels good to be alive, yeah?

So what's been happening? The NBA Finals has finally concluded and it was The Golden State Warriors who emerged victorious. Congratulations, Steph Curry and the gang. I mean how could you not love Steph, right? Such an amazing guy! Though, I can't still move on from the fact that my Spurs lost in the semis against them. 🏀

Tennis has been a heartache too - the Bae Andy Murray lost in an anxiety attack semi-final match against Stan Wawrinka. Same goes for Martina Hingis. But it is what it is. We just have to keep moving forward. 🎾

It has been months of unending mixed signals stories which drives me nuts and my friends crazy. Until when? I dunno. Can be today, tomorrow, maybe never. We just need to decide and choose. Again, feels good to be alive, yes? My "K Levels" has been fluctuating dramatically. Send me a PM if you want to know the meaning of that. LOL. My friends really know me that well and they have the guts to tell me that - no filter. Just love 'em.

Anyway, subject line - The Second. The Last. The Latter is so random. I just feel that it suits this article simply because it's "random". Was just in FB Messenger with Coachee and that came out - his OOTD. Haha! Good morning! ☀

Always remember to speak from the 💙.
- pong 🐢

Follow me:
Instagram: joanepong

Twitter: joanepangilinan

left - baby steph; right - coachee
photo credits: Aldous Jimenez