Friday, June 8, 2018

Defining Moment | Depression | Handling Compliments 🙌

Hey hey hey! ☺

So, this is yet another "insertion" post on top of my pending drafts. This is just a quick one.
Last June 2, Saturday, was considered a defining moment day for me.

So what is a defining moment exactly?

According to

"A defining moment is a point in your life when you're urged to make a pivotal decision, or when you experience something that fundamentally changes you. Not only do these moments define us, but they have a transformative effect on our perceptions and behaviors."

Why did I say that June 2 was one? Because June 2 was a super filled day for me. It was a realization day that no matter how kind, how sweet and how generous you are towards a person, they will never reciprocate the gesture simply because they can't. Sad reality, right? So never expect as expectations will always lead to disappointments. Kudos to me (I had to, sorry lol) as I was able to handle it with grace. I've been so down and low for the past month. May has been truly a pain and a struggle. Depression hit me, I can say. This, by far, is the lowest point in my life. Found myself just in our room, so lazy and doing nothing. I do not want to speak with anybody because I do not see the point. I think I do not have friends anymore. Nobody will understand. I want to be productive, but I just can't. Now, I understand why suicide happens. But do not worry, suicide will never be an option for me. I love life. It's just that, this phase has to happen. This, will definitely help me shape my personality. Depression is real, guys. It's serious.

Compliment - this is included here as I need to learn how to appreciate compliments and things given to me by other people. When people give me compliments, I always think otherwise, instead of just saying thank you. If somebody gives me something, I always think na bayaran ko na lang. You do not need to do that for me, ganon. Maybe I am used to not asking people for anything, pa-strong nga kasi. I was raised this way, not to ask people's help hangga't kaya, kaya feeling ko minsan ung iba walang pake kasi people always think that I can. Kahit ano pa 'yan.  I am a work in progress. Please bear with me. Na-appreciate ko lahat, totoo yan. And am thankful to each one of you. The warrior is a child, guys. Always and forever will be grateful to those people who always check on me.

You know who you are.♥

speak from the heart,
pong 🐢💙


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