Sunday, July 22, 2018

Pong Travels: Neenah, Wisconsin ✈

Hello everyone! 💋

Oh my goodness! It's been forever and I don't have much content anymore! It's been pretty busy since I came home (almost 4 months na!).

My US Trip was a blast and I (think) it helped me mature as an individual and as a professional. Well, I hope I really did. 👩 The trip was my first out of the country trip and my first one alone. It was scary and liberating at the same time. Taught me a lot of things. And this trip contributed a big chunk of what I have become. Naks.

So, this is my 5-week US Trip written in one blog post. Happy hanash reading! 😍

Dreams do come true. Who would have thought, right? That I will be in the land of the free and the home of the brave for 5 weeks. And there's snow! Am extremely happy to see and experience my very first snow fall! ❄ Actually, I am the only one excited to see the snow when I was there. They were like, tired of it. Haha. But I know that they are excited for me. Once the snow fell, everyone looked for me to make sure I won't miss it. 

Snowing - just outside my hotel
My very first snow fall ❆

Shattuck Park - just across my hotel

I've been to different places in Wisconsin - New London, Appleton, Oshkosh, Green Bay to name a few. Have experienced St. Patty's Day in New London. Gangsta feels. Had a great time with Nicole and Deana - thanks for taking me! Booze all over and cheese curds being thrown to people during the parade was just amazing. lol. 

Limited Edition Bud Light for St. Paddy's Day - took the bottle home

Gangsta Mood slash Jeje feels - you can wear anything in the US 💃

The Gang!

Miss you, Deana!

Drinking alone was very liberating, got to talk to strangers and yeah that really felt good. Sooo good! 
Old Fashioned became my instant favorite. Cheers, self! 🍷 (taken at the LevelOne Restaurant and Lounge)

Ace of Spades (Annual awarding ceremony of Alta Resources) - I was supposed to attend my very first Ace of Spades Awards in Manila at The Shang but I was overseas. Thank God Adrienne let me attend the US Ceremony. We had it in EAA Aviation. It was the first time that I had a taste of Old Fashioned Cocktail - so good. The girls introduced it to me 'cause I always say I wanna try anything Wisconsin. We prepared at my Hotel Room before heading to the venue. It was truly an experience for me - I had the chance to meet and talk to a lot of people and the big bosses, too. Couldn't be more grateful. I have learned a lot! 

No edit. This is me with the ladies before heading to the EAA in my messy hotel room.
(Kathryn, Nicci, Lisa, Adrienne, Angie, Pong)

My dry lips dont care look

At the venue with my Old Fashioned Cocktail

with Kathryn

Wisconsin is also the home of Fava Tea! Since I am a certified tea-lover, Trish took me to this place. Heaven! I also tried my usual Starbucks fix at SB - Appleton - same taste. Good job, SB! Hehe. And since SB is far from where am staying, I tried Timshel Cafe and voila! Love their Earl Grey Tea! 

Fava Tea

Iced Earl Grey Tea from Timshel Cafe

Sabino's - I am missing Sabino's so bad. I have fell in love with this restaurant and I can eat all their food everyday. If only they are near, I would love to take family there. Check my post about them. ♥

Stage Plays - Lucky to have watched 2 - Seussical The Musical and Les Miserables. Always love watching amazing talents on stage! Emily Bautista is a Pinay talent and played Eponine in Les Mis. Galing! 

w Nicholas George (Horton the Elephant of Seussical The Musical)

My buddy Brady and The Cat in the Hat

Adrienne and Me

Roller Skating - Oh my Goodness! It was the first time I did this. And I swear, I died. It was so hard! 
Poser shot

Louise making it look so easy

The good convo. He was a surprise to me. We hardly talk in Manila. But who would have thought, right? I guess, having no choice makes a good conversation. Haha. Definitely one of my favorite convos in my existence - lupet o! Kinailangan pa natin pumunta ng Amerika para mag-usap. Haha. More than the food and all the panlalait, thanks for spoiling me kahit hindi naman talaga. Totally appreciate it! Salamat, Amerika! lol. 

ang pinakakuripot in the entire universe, John Albert Clave

I will prolly post all the pictures in my Facebook account. Just have a few take aways from this trip: 

  • Japan - I fell in love with your heated toilet seats. I had to take a picture inside. Hehe. 
  • Talking to strangers is not bad at all. I have met several folks - Donna (Atlanta), she reminded me of Mama, I felt at home taking to her. Given the chance, I will definitely look for her to say hi; a guy, also in Atlanta, he's bound to Appleton, too. Too bad, I did not get his name but it was a short but sweet convo. Thanks for saying hello!
  • Atlanta and Chicago Airport - you both amazed me. 
  • Being independent is a good thing. You get to learn a lot of things.  
  • Being alone in a foreign country for 5 weeks is definitely a life changing phase. 
  • My parents missed me so bad. Especially my mom. Haha. Tibzi is as always, supportive. Gotta love the #fabfour. 
  • Korea - I love that bear in Incheon Airport. I met a fellow Pinay in Korea. Very inspiring. And SB - Korea has Earl Grey Jelly!!!! 
  • Work Ethics - it's always a good feeling to have an amazing support group while you learn new things everyday.
  • Life is simple, let's not complicate things. If you want it, you want it. If you don't, you don't. 
  • Learn to negotiate. Saying no is okay.
  • Subjective vs Objective - google it. LOL
  • Letting go is not a bad thing at all. It can result to greater things, more amazing people, etc.
  • US - your food servings are so huge. I can eat each serving for 2 days. lol
  • Red Door Mercantile, TJ Maxx and The World Market are my favorite shops. 
  • Opportunities can happen anytime - thanks, Alta!
  • Time - so precious. Adrienne, Kathryn, Nicci, Lisa, Angie, Louise, Kris, Nicole, Trish, Tracy and Juli  - appreciate the time taking me places. 
  • Smiling faces and the warmth - couldn't thank everyone enough for being so welcoming. The food, all the offer to take me places, for entertaining all my questions, etc. 
  • Liz - if you happen to read this, we don't have pictures? Really? At all? Thanks for taking me to Mass with your fam! Miss you guys! 
  • Hockey - sooo physical!! Wrestling on ice!
  • Popeye's - I miss you! And Qdoba, too!
  • I have yet to try that Guacamole recipe from Tina! That Venison sausage is delish!
  • Laundry - yeah, I learned.
  • Taco Tuesdays and Fish Fry Fridays!
  • Sausages from the street are the yummiest! Haha!
  • Spotted Cow - WI beer
  • Potato Chips Day - this exists! 
  • DoubleTree Cookies - my favorite cookie in the universe!
  • DT experience - fire alarm alarmed falsely, shower floor flooded, no hot water during winter.  Amber - she's the best manager!
  • Black Panther - I saw this film in WI. Good experience.
  • Ate Leonie and Ate Minnie - thanks for checking on me and Ate Minnie - love the TP jersey!
  • Walking and jogging around the snow and braving the Snow Storm just to document my stay is something that I will forever cherish.
  • Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to say hello. Toinks! 
  • Discipline, change and happiness starts from within. 
  • And yeah, it is unlonely being alone. Sarap din!

Now, where to next? Melaka? Hmmm.

speak from the heart, 
pong 🐢💙

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