Monday, April 24, 2017

Pong Thoughts: Resilient P πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Hi! πŸ˜‰

Resilient is a word that was often used by a former colleague to describe me or let's just say, he wants me to be. Back in the day, when everything else seems to be so vague and broken, to be resilient is the only choice and it's true.

It took a lot of 9AM coffee breaks (well, hot chocolate for me), shanghai lunches at Ate Cora's (God, I miss that), 3PM pantry times and never ending conversations just to keep up. Whatever that experience was, truly, it made me the strong person I am now.

But I guess, sometimes, no matter how resilient you think you are, there will be moments that you just want to sit down and look back why things happen and why things happened. Maybe, you already knew that it's bound to happen, you just shrug it off because you're blinded by the temporary happiness it brings.

Resilient people often falls short too. They cry because they're human. They get hurt because they're human. And as a grown up, I would say, it's okay. Choices we make - as long as we're happy and not hurting anyone in the process, it's okay. But also, resilient folks know when it's time to let go..

You got this, Pong. 🐒

PS It just took me a few minutes to finish this. Remember, it's always easy if you speak from the heart. Good night. πŸ’™

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Twitter: joanepangilinan

there's God's promise - rainbow after the rain

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