Showing posts with label resilient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resilient. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2017

Pong Thoughts: August is Almost Over! πŸ™†

Hello hello! 😍

It's been a while and my blog has reached almost 9K views. I haven't posted in a while (in a while twice in one sentence, lol πŸ˜…), how sweet, yeah? Just saying thanks to all the page viewers and readers! Thanks, guys! πŸ’• 

thank you, guys! πŸ’‹

August is almost over and has August been good? Kinda - yeah. I am still on the sidelines - my ankle sprain isn't fully healed yet and it's been 2 months. How sad is that? Very heartbreaking. πŸ’” But I know God has a purpose with all the things that's been going on. I've been home most of the time, which is not so me because am always out. Also spent time at Marco's place to have some quality time with my godson, X and have an essential talk to Dyj. πŸ‘Œ

Badminton tournament in the office is happening September 4th, and yes, I already declined. I don't want to risk the chance of the sprain getting worst, it's already on it's healing stage! So, am being good to myself. Haha. Being good to yourself is a good thing! A friend said that taking care of yourself is a training too (hi, Jong. Swimming lessons with you soon!) πŸ˜†

I had a week of Facebook Detox too. Good stuff. I had a good sleep for a week and no paranoia or anything. I've been kinda depressed if you may call it, during that time. Felt so ugly, really. Thank goodness, deactivating your Facebook somehow, makes you realize who are the people who will extend all means to check on you. I may have a few, but they are the ones worth keeping. [Hey, Cheesy. I know you're not reading my blogs but thanks for telling me that I still look good even am so Panget, which ironically, your pet name for me. Talking and spending time with you always feel good.] πŸ‘« Spent one weekend with Ean's family too. Ry is so cute and super kwentuhan with his Mom is such a joy. Sarap ng kwentuhan e. Well, Ean, as always, slept the whole time. Tsk. πŸ˜”

Dropped by at Smashville to finally see my Barbies and of course to have some lumpiang togue. Ang sarap talaga! πŸ˜‹

Patty Patty! 😍

August has been the final stretch of the unending challenges my family's been going through. But guess what, God is never advanced, never late - just always on time. Di ba, Tibz? We're on this together and few of our genuine friends. God is always good. Love you always, Tibz! And to our friends, you know who you are! We will always be forever grateful. πŸ’‹πŸ’–

Am excited for the Christmas months! Few days to go! Fresh start! Am excited to travel again, play badminton, climb the mountains, swim, be back on track and to spend quality time with the people who matters the most, and maybe know new folks. 😏

Always remember that tomorrow is always a second chance for anything. πŸ˜‰

speak from the heart,
pong πŸ’™πŸ’

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Pong Thoughts: Grateful Heart πŸ’“

Hi! πŸ’‹

Heard Mass today. Alone. These past few days have been a roller coaster. Maybe because I haven't been attending Mass for a few weeks now. God already tapped me. It's true, only God is our refuge. You can talk to all your friends, to all the people you know, get drunk, be unproductive, be all the negative energy you could be, be busy as a bee but at the end of the day, you will still feel the same. But with God, it's different, you will always feel loved and at home - anytime. All you have to do is to talk to him. Am thankful to my friends who have witnessed how weak I am and still loves me for who I am. No words spoken, but they just know. πŸ˜‘

All am praying for is for me to be a good person. To be kind. To be humble. To be a better version of me. To love myself more and to forgive myself too. It's difficult to fight one's self. It's not always your fault. Don't be too hard, girl. Remember that. We cannot control other's actions and reactions, but ours', we could. Perspective. That's the key. πŸ”‘

Just let love, humility, wisdom and kindness lead the path. That's genuine happiness. God speed and be grateful. πŸ’

speak from the heart πŸ’™
pong xx 🐒

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Pong Thoughts: Keep going πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

Good morning from Manila!

It's just one of those days that I feel like writing. I'll just make this short and sweet.

So what's been up lately? If I recall it correctly - let me just check instead. lol. This blog is similar to my posts last April 24 and June 14. It's now July - the 3rd quarter of the year! So is it time? Resilient folks know when to let go, right? Ganun na lang yun. Ganun kasi talaga ako e. If you let me feel that somehow, you care, you think of me, you exert a bit of an effort and spend some time to talk to me,  I get used to the idea e. It becomes routinary for me. By routinary - I could mean two things - it gets boring as time passes or it gets interesting, exciting or worst - I would think that we're really close in the sense that if I don't hear from you, I'll get lost. Trapped! Sometimes, I tend to overthink. Have I done or said something wrong? Did I offend you? Or are you just too busy to talk to me? Or maybe, you found another someone that you can be comfortable with. See, this is me talking to myself and overthinking. This phase is not new to me. It happens almost every time somebody gets too close to me. So, dapat mas kaya na di ba? At first, I'd definitely try to reach out, especially if the person is really special. But if my efforts were in vain, I tend to give up just like that. Di ko alam e, hindi talaga ko mapilit. Pag ayaw, wag. Sakit ko na siguro yan. Mababaliw ako, yes. Pero wala e. Kaya, lakad lang, keep going. Wag hinhinto. Pasasaan ba, makakarating ka din sa finish line, sa summit. Then you'll realize, kung bakit sya dumaan sa buhay mo. Anong meron? I have been praying so hard. Siguro, ito na yung sagot sa prayers ko. Praying does not mean naman that you will get what you want, instead God will give you what's best for you. Hirap. Pero si God bahala. Ito muna. Need to work e. Hehe.

Speak from the πŸ’™,

Follow me:
Instagram: joanepong

Twitter: joanepangilinan

Monday, April 24, 2017

Pong Thoughts: Resilient P πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Hi! πŸ˜‰

Resilient is a word that was often used by a former colleague to describe me or let's just say, he wants me to be. Back in the day, when everything else seems to be so vague and broken, to be resilient is the only choice and it's true.

It took a lot of 9AM coffee breaks (well, hot chocolate for me), shanghai lunches at Ate Cora's (God, I miss that), 3PM pantry times and never ending conversations just to keep up. Whatever that experience was, truly, it made me the strong person I am now.

But I guess, sometimes, no matter how resilient you think you are, there will be moments that you just want to sit down and look back why things happen and why things happened. Maybe, you already knew that it's bound to happen, you just shrug it off because you're blinded by the temporary happiness it brings.

Resilient people often falls short too. They cry because they're human. They get hurt because they're human. And as a grown up, I would say, it's okay. Choices we make - as long as we're happy and not hurting anyone in the process, it's okay. But also, resilient folks know when it's time to let go..

You got this, Pong. 🐒

PS It just took me a few minutes to finish this. Remember, it's always easy if you speak from the heart. Good night. πŸ’™

Follow me:

Instagram: joanepong

Twitter: joanepangilinan

there's God's promise - rainbow after the rain